Why consistency is key in your skincare ritual

Why consistency is key in your skincare ritual

You’ve probably heard the age-old adage ‘consistency is key’ at some point in your life, but this rings especially true when it comes to skincare. Here’s why… 

We’ve all been there, buying a new product, hoping it will magically transform our skin overnight, only to be disappointed when things look exactly the same the next morning. Or perhaps you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of trying out every skincare trend on TikTok, wondering why your skin is suddenly more confused than ever. Sound familiar? Well, the sad and unfortunate truth is that there are no quick fixes when it comes to your skin. The only way to see true and long-lasting results is by first choosing the right products, and then being consistent with using them. 

That’s right, the not-so-glamorous secret when it comes to skincare is that while trendy serums and miracle creams may draw you in, consistency is the key to unlocking glowing, healthy skin. Here are a few reasons why staying the course will get you where you want to go… 

Skin takes time to renew itself

Unfortunately for us, our skin cycle is not necessarily in sync with our schedule. It actually operates on a 28-40 day renewal cycle, and yes, it slows down as we get older. This means the products you apply today aren’t going to magically make you glow tomorrow. Instead, they’re working behind the scenes, slowly but surely. This means that the products we put on our faces will take at least this long to start working, and for some, even longer. This is why patience is part of the process when it comes to achieving glowing skin. 

If you have a tendency to hop from one product to the next without giving them time to do their thing, you’ll never know what’s truly working. Skincare isn’t about instant gratification, it’s about sticking with it long enough to let the magic happen.

Consistency helps build a strong skin barrier

Your skin barrier is your first line of defence. It locks in moisture, protects you from environmental stressors, and keeps irritants out. If you only moisturise or apply SPF sporadically, these first lines of defence start to crumble. Basically, inconsistent routines can leave your skin vulnerable, causing dryness, redness, or breakouts to creep in. 

Jumping around with different products can wreak havoc on your skin barrier, and taking a consistent approach will ensure your skin can build up a tolerance to them, and allow them to work. So, next time you feel tempted to skip your night cream or sunscreen “just this once,” remember, your skin barrier is counting on you.

Results take time

Many people give up on products too soon because they don’t see instant results. But just like going to the gym or eating healthy, skincare requires persistence. Depending on the product, it could take weeks, or… even months to see noticeable changes. See our blog on how long skincare takes to start working but to summarise…


Usually, cleansers will take the least amount of time to start working. While this may contradict our earlier statement that there is no quick fix, technically a cleanser's job is to clean the skin and therefore it does start to work ‘immediately’ to some degree. But if you're using one to address acne or other issues, it may take 4 weeks to see improvement.


Much like cleansers, toners also help to clean and prep the skin for your serums and moisturisers.  That being said, the effects should be noticeable relatively quickly. But just because toners serve a practical purpose, doesn’t make them any less important. Especially if you suffer from acne, toners will help to give the skin an extra clean to ensure that there are no nasties left lying around. It also helps to smooth, soften and calm angry skin. 


Each serum will come with its own timeframe and will also depend largely on the extent of your skin concerns. However, as a general rule of thumb when it comes to most serums you can expect to see results in 4-6 weeks however remember to be realistic. If you are suffering from severe acne, for example, it may take longer for this to subside.

Eye creams

Depending on the severity of the tiredness or fine lines you are experiencing in this area, eye creams generally take around 4-8 weeks to start working. With the under-eye area especially it’s important to remember that often external factors such as lack of sleep, stress or poor hydration will have the biggest impact.


If you apply a generous amount of creamy moisturiser, you should be able to feel that your skin instantly becomes more hydrated. However, to see long-lasting results of moisturisers it should only take roughly 1-2 weeks. 


Works immediately, but only if you use it every day!

Prevention is better than treatment 

One of biggest lessons when it comes to skincare or overall skin health is that prevention is easier than trying to turn back the clock. It’s much simpler to maintain healthy skin through a consistent routine than to undo damage later on. Daily use of sunscreen, for example, is far more effective than trying to reverse sun damage with laser treatments. And keeping up with an acne-fighting regimen can prevent breakouts and scarring, sparing you from dealing with post-inflammatory pigmentation down the road.

Small efforts done regularly add up to big results over time. 

Turn your routine into a ritual with Skinsmiths

Consistency doesn’t have to feel like a chore. In fact, skincare rituals can become one of the most enjoyable parts of your day. Whether it’s the soothing feel of a creamy cleanser or the luxurious texture of a hydrating serum, these small moments of self-care can be fun and relaxing. 

That’s exactly why Skinsmiths designed their rituals, to transform everyday routines into moments of self-care while targeting key skin concerns. Whether you’re dealing with dryness, fine lines, pigmentation, redness, or blemishes, Skinsmiths' rituals provide a structured approach to help you stay consistent and see meaningful results over time. The beauty of these rituals is that they’re designed to fit seamlessly into your life. Whether you’re new to skincare or a seasoned pro, following these structured steps creates a predictable rhythm that your skin can rely on, and that’s when you’ll start seeing the magic happen.

Your skin will thank you in the long term 

Much like us as humans, our skin thrives on routine. Just like with sleep or exercise, when we use the same product consistently your skin will become familiar with it. This will reduce the risks of irritation or breakouts. Sudden product changes can throw your skin out of balance, which can lead to flare-ups, especially if you have sensitive skin. 

By sticking with a consistent skincare routine, you help your skin settle into a rhythm. This also removes some of the guesswork involved, as you’ll be able to give products time to start working or not. If you constantly introduce new products and ingredients, it can be difficult to determine what is helping and what is harming. 

Some tips and tricks for staying consistent… 

Keep it simple

Sometimes, when it comes to skincare less is actually more and despite what over-consumption will tell you, you don’t need a 20-step routine. Start with incorporating these five essential skincare ingredients and go from there. 

Set time aside each day 

Try to set a certain time aside each day for your ritual, and stick to it. 

Stay organised

Try to keep all your products within easy reach and also in an orderly fashion. Whether you like to have them displayed on a shelf, or kept in an easy to travel bag, try and keep your skincare products together and in one place. This will prevent you from missing steps or days. 

Forgive yourself if you miss a day 

If you miss a day (or two), it’s not the end of the world. Just pick up where you left off.

To wrap up

While the term ‘consistency is key’ may seem like a cliche, sometimes cliches exist for a simple reason… because they work. And when it comes to skincare, this could not be more true. It’s not about finding miracle products or following every new trend, it’s about committing to a routine that works for you and sticking with it. The results may take time, but they’ll be worth the wait. 

So, while it can be tempting to skip your routine when you get home after a few vinos, or you want to jump on the latest product making its way around social media, try to remember that consistency will unlock the best results for your skin. Keep showing up, and your skin will thank you, day by day, one product at a time.